Many new miners coming into the industry have struggled with the permitting process & the costs can be anywhere from $5,000-$100,000 in expenses to get proper NOI or POO with permits to become operational.

Let us save you thousands of dollars and work on your behalf.




    know your claim

    It all begins with understanding your gold or precious metal/mineral claim. We are here to help you get an intimate understanding and knowledge of what lies below the ground. Placer or hard rock lode claims will greatly benefit from our claim prospecting services. Get your claim fully mapped, photographed, sampled, monuments, geological mapping, and areal photography. We offer auger testing for Placer claims and sample retrieval for Lode claims.

    Our comprehensive testing and claim prospecting service comes completed with:

    • New digital and hard copy maps including geological mapping

    • GPS point marking of all test areas and concentrated value locations.

    • physical samples for both Lode & Placer.

    • Photography of entire claim, all video data collected.

    • Hard copy booklet with all claim information for the end user.

    • Data sheets for all testing and claim evaluation.

    This will allow for profitable claim material processing, investment value in the claim, or resale value of the claim to be listed on the open market. Without this valuable information a claim owner may never know the true and real potential of their property.

  • gold mining permit man with hard hat


    All mining operations regardless of location, if goes above and beyond what is legally considered by the governing jurisdiction to be recreational mining or prospecting needs permitting in place to properly operate.

    Without proper permits, NOI’s,or POO’s a mining operation can be liable for fines and expensive repercussions.

    Working with the proper agencies where your claim is located, understanding your mining needs, we will be able to work on your behalf to establish permitting and operational overviews presented to the proper governing bodies.

    Candy Mountain is intimately familiar with the mining process and how to work with the various agencies to provide speedy benefits to the miner.

    Having CMMC manage your gold or precious metal claim permitting on your behalf allows us to achieve lower surety bonding amount required by state or federal agencies, faster process time, and relationship building that allows for smoother long term operation of your gold or precious metal mine.

    Many new miners coming into the industry have struggled with the permitting process and the costs can be anywhere from $20,000-$100,000 to get proper NOI or POO with permits to become operational. Let us save you thousands of dollars and work on your behalf.



    Having troubles on your current claim getting consistent gold values on a daily basis, dealing with logistical issues, or possible efficiency management. We have been able to utilize lean methodologies along with proper claim management to get the most out of your operation.

    CMMC is able to come on-site to your operation and offer in person operational consulting to help eliminate or mitigate production based issues. Managing concentration location data to stay on gold, equipment efficiency issues, or even process management on-site.

    If your mining operation does not need an on-site consultant we have phone, video conferencing, and remote consulting options to fit your needs.

    Contact us and lets discuss your concerns and needs. We have the internal and external industry contacts to work through any problem or question you may have.

  • XRF-Field Assay Tests

    Get instant field results with your mining claim. Whether you are core drilling samples that need testing or even underground hard rock testing we have the best industry solution. We have day rates with fully detailed documentation regarding your test results


  • new mexico

    We have successfully permitted multiple operations in the State of New Mexico.
    Multiple-NOI’s-Lode Claim Sierra County NOI-Place Claim Sierra County. PoO-Placer Claim Sierra County.

    We have a special attachment to the New Mexico area, and have created a long list of supportive individuals in the industry. This allows us to help our clients get a better footing in the industry and saving time and money for any size operation.


    NEPA’s (National Evironmental Protection Agency Reviews)

    NOI’s (Notice Of Intent)

    PoO (Plan of Operations)

    Permitting (State & Federal)

    State Technical Review

    Geological Review

    National Forest Service

    BLM (Bureau of Land Management)

    Public Land Permitting

  • Colorado

    Multiple NOI’s filed in Colorado for dredging operations during the dredging season. We have had great success in the timely manner in which we are able to file any permits needed, projecting ahead of time the need for an NOI or PoO. These tools we utilize allow our clients to be able to get digging and processing material sooner rather than later. We have a great understanding of the laws and mining regulations in the State of Colorado, and we use that to your benefit.

    Colorado Gold Mining NOI/PoO

    New Mexico Gold & Silver NOI/PoO

    Arizona Gold & Silver Mining NOI/PoO

    Nevada Gold Mining NOI/PoO

    Montana Gold & Precious Minerals NOI/PoO

    Wyoming Mining NOI/PoO

    Utah Gold & Mineral Mining NOI/PoO

    South Dakota NOI/PoO/Permitting

  • New Mexico Client Review

    "Candy Mountain Mining Company was instrumental in helping us start our commercial placer gold mining operation. Their expertise in developing a Plan of Operations and navigating the permitting process was invaluable. With their help, we were able to set up the necessary equipment and processes to ensure our success this year. Their connections in the industry allowed us to obtain the required surety bonding at a minimal cost, which was a significant financial benefit for our operation. By following the proper procedures and working with Candy Mountain Mining Company, we were able to see great financial gains and position our operation for success. We highly recommend Candy Mountain Mining Company to anyone looking to start a mining operation, as their knowledge and expertise were critical to our success. Their assistance in developing a Plan of Operations and securing necessary permits made all the difference for us."


    It All Begins With Accuracy

    Without accuracy, due diligence, proper chain of command of sampling, excellent documentation skills, the rest of the process is difficult to manage.

    Candy Mountain has many clients who prefer to hire us to retrieve and test their samples for them. Our internal process NEVER leaves a client guessing as to where their sample came from and how much it is worth.

    Lode samples can be processed and assayed through Candy Mountain Mining Company as well as Placer samples. Count on Candy Mountain to provide accurate results for a proper start to your operation.

  • gold claim map


    State By State Permitting

    Each state has different regulations on what is required and what the general limitations are as a commercial miner large or small. Candy Mountain has made it their internal mission to know and understand the laws and regulations you will need to understand and navigate around. This allows us to utilize the law and regulations to your benefit.

    Utlizing governing body contacts in both the state and federal level across many regions in the lower 48 we have been able to work for our clients in their best interest very successfully. Our relationships and industry connections have allowed us to be able to put more money back into the pockets of our clients and operators VS the government.

  • gold and silver mine

    Operational NOI or PoO

    NOI & PoO Development

    Providing a clear, precise, and accurate plan of operations or notice of intent is pivotal to timely and cost effective mining operation production. Without understanding the direct needs of the governing agencies in either an NOI or PoO miners and prospective operators will not be able to complete and NOI or PoO in a manner that can allow them to get processing large material in a timely manner.

    Some PoO’s can take nearly a year to get into place and if a new prospective operator does not know the system and the requirements within it can take a year or more to achieve. Let Candy Mountain provide the proper and accurate information you need to prevent you from waiting a year or more to get operational. Our clients have in the passed received reduced or even zero surety bonding from our NOI’s and PoO’s we have developed. That is 10’s of thousands of dollars saved!