Proper photography and documentation is essential to giving your prospective buy a true sense of the land prior to them getting on-site. Utilizing DJI drones for aerial footage gives our clients a great overview to use for their sales. Allowing CMMC to get on-site we are able to provide an entire overview digitally including, claim samples, geology, specimens, ingress & egress, historical data, landscape, high interest features, and much more.
In order to properly sell your claim to the open market in a fair, transparent, and honest way a claimant needs to understand the proper value of their claim. We can utilize information given by the client digitally or we can go on-site to any claim in the lower 48 with Alaska on special request to gather all property information for claim valuations.
When it comes to selling a mining claim, providing clear data, accurate information, and not over stating facts. CMMC can provide our clients with a clear overview of the claim(s) to utilize your information in your best interest. We do not utilize any AI to write our property overviews or claim listings for our clients. Provide the best information to your prospective buyer(s) to make the most of your sale.